Sunday, June 29, 2008


Congratulations on your great Spanish football team!! Let us invite you to Poland in 4 years time :)

Thanks for cooperation with our Polish eTwinning group, we hope that you had a lot of fun with us:) See you next year!

Polish eTwinning group.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Another meeting on the chat.

The Polish team will be waiting for the Spanish team on the chat on Monday from 4 pm. until 7 pm. Join us and have fun!


Friday, May 16, 2008

The second meeting on the chat.

Polish group suggests Monday from 4 pm. until 7 pm. What do the Spanish team think about it? Let us know please.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008


How did you like the chat yesterday? Have you made friends with anyone? Please write your feelings:) I'm proud of you! You communicated easily with each other. Well done! :-)


Monday, May 12, 2008

Meeting on the chat...


TO MEET ON THE CHAT. This is our common project to share information and practise the language. Follow this link:

Type your user´s name(sign in) and password, then go to my space and click on the chat to get connected.

Regards. Javier

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Comments, discussion.

I created my own blog where I encourage you to answer my questions. Please look through them, write your suggested answers. Let's create a small discussion:)

Best wishes,

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Just have fun! :-)

My dear students,

Please look through your BLOGs from time to time, comment on your friends’ thoughts, help each other, try to have fun with eTwinning. :-) I have created this project together with Javier for the Polish and for the Spanish team. :-) I wouldn’t like you to feel it is a sad duty to write all of the things. You should learn English through nice communication and exchanging ideas with each other. You may really have a lot of fun with English!

Lots of love,

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Starting off...

I would like to greet all members of the Spanish team. I hope you will be satisfied with the cooperation with my wonderful students. They are all very eager to meet you; therefore, I do believe everybody will be contented:) Polish team has already created their BLOGs. I encourage you to look through them and comment on them. :-)


Monday, April 7, 2008

Reading statistics

Reading is such an important task that it becomes a real must within the students curriculum. Our students start off this European exchange just making some general comments about it, some reflections and analysis of the situation in order to be aware of the importance of getting "communicative skills" through language acquisition and reading. Have a look at some of their short papers which they worked on while improving their ICT abilities. The essays at available on their space (google docs) and enclosed on their blogs. Hope you find them useful...

Regards, Javier

Friday, April 4, 2008

New Times, new working perspectives

Starting off

Working with Projects within EFL brings language to life giving a sense to what is being learnt. Thus, you´ll find here some suggestions of the aasigments proposed by the English Language Department and an easy way of letting everyone know what you know and learn and also your skills. Working with ICT (Information & Communication Technologies) is also becoming a must nowadays. Here you´ll find easy to cope with English and the new media. Hope you enjoy it.
Welcome to your new blog...