Sunday, April 20, 2008

Just have fun! :-)

My dear students,

Please look through your BLOGs from time to time, comment on your friends’ thoughts, help each other, try to have fun with eTwinning. :-) I have created this project together with Javier for the Polish and for the Spanish team. :-) I wouldn’t like you to feel it is a sad duty to write all of the things. You should learn English through nice communication and exchanging ideas with each other. You may really have a lot of fun with English!

Lots of love,


J.Javier Martínez González said...

tnnngiWell Done. Encouraging to write and express by yourselves is the main aim. All the comments are accepted, as long as they are in English. are not offensive and have the necceassary permissions to be published. A nice way of exchanging information and showing your skills to the world.

J.Javier Martínez González said...

Well Done. Encouraging to write and express by yourselves is the main aim. All the comments are accepted, as long as they are in English. are not offensive and have the necceassary permissions to be published. A nice way of exchanging information and showing your skills to the world.